The Week Written Off

This first full week of 2021 hasn’t exactly gone as planned, and I’m not even talking about world events.

I make myself a ‘to do’ list each week, but this week has been more about surviving than anything else. It’s been a bad week or so for the nerve pains in my legs. In fact, the pain was so bad that I left work early on Wednesday and got my Thursday shift covered. That’s not something I do very often at all, so it speaks to the level of pain I have been in.

As if the nerve pain wasn’t enough, I have also been plagued with extreme headaches for most of the past couple of weeks. They started a few days before Christmas, but the headaches were still kind of low key then. This week they are off the charts and stubbornly resistant to every remedy I throw at them.

I’m fairly certain I do not have Covid. I have no other symptom and no reason to suspect Covid, and the fact that my daughter tested negative last week makes me feel confident that my headaches are not Covid-related, since I was having them before her test and we were in close contact.

However, I cannot explain the headaches, and this isn’t normal for me at all. Sure I get an occasional headache now and then, but nothing like this and not for so long. I’m drinking enough water. There has been no change to my eating or caffeine habits, and I typically don’t have more than a cup or two of coffee a day. Upper back and neck tension is usually the root of any headache I might have, but I don’t feel any tightness or tension there, especially not since I’ve been off work for a few days. The only thing that is sort of different is the increase in nerve pains in my legs, but I cannot quite see how the dots might connect nerve pains in legs to headaches. Regardless, I really do not feel great, even though I am not sick. My head hurts so much that my eyeballs hurt. My low back is grumpy which makes sitting more painful and uncomfortable than usual. The buttocks, legs and feet are raging fires of pain.

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